It's time to celebrate our Irish Heritage and the holiday season with our Annual Christmas Party. This year we are again combining our party with AOH 3 Towson adding to the festivities of the gathering.
The combined Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday, December 10th from 6 to 9 PM at the An Poitin Stil. We are fortunate to have Brendan Palen (from the MD Irish Festival) joining us as the entertainment playing his lovely Irish and Christmas music. The cost is $40 per person for food, and there will be a cash bar where all drinks are discounted. We will have a complimentary Guinness or a glass of sparkling wine for a Holiday toast. Please bring your Spouse or guest(s) to share in the festivities.
Purchase ticket here or tickets can be paid by check made out to the Hibernian Society of Baltimore and sent to: Hibernian Society of Baltimore, P.O. Box 18, Timonium, MD, 21094
Please send your payment as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate count of attendees for the restaurant. We look forward to seeing you at the Stil!